06:19 ST

Join the Drawntlet! July is a great time to get creative. Submit here.

June Productivi-Day!
Welcome to June’s Productivi-Day!

Productivi-Day occurs on the 15th of each month, running from 00:01 ST through 23:59 ST. This month, we’re starting a wee bit early because Crow is at work and it’s surprisingly busy - gotta post while I have time! If you wish to participate, all you need to do is take a little bit of time and work on so thing creative that relates to Mycena Cave!

Examples of things that count:
  • Mycenian profiles
  • Geness profiles
  • Roleplaying
  • Creative Collective entries
  • Pretty much anything that has to do with Mycena Cave!
Things that don’t count:
  • Homework
  • Housework
  • Dishes
  • Meal-prep
  • Anything else unrelated to Mycena Cave!

Please post a link to what you’ve accomplished in this thread in order for your participation to be counted! All posts must be made before the activity ends at 23:59 ST on the 15th - any posts made or edited after that timeframe will not be counted towards this activity.

All participants in today’s Productivi-Day will receive a sticker for their efforts! Additionally, we will be raffling off a total of 3 Changingshrooms amongst today’s participants! All stickers and prizes will be distributed sometime on the 16th!

We look forward to seeing what you accomplish! :D Have fun!
Posted 06/14/22
good luck to everyone for the changeshrooms
Posted 06/14/22

Drew a noodle for Hyasynthetic >:3

edit: did an edit mock!

edit edit: did my canvas circle entry!

edit edit edit: did a day in the life entry!

edit edit edit edit: submitted my Chamber of Reflections profile for the month!

Posted 06/15/22, edited 06/15/22
Worked on a custom wip for an OC
Posted 06/15/22

mwAHAHA i can finally participate >::3

Posted 06/15/22
Did my second Day in the Life entry!
Posted 06/15/22
I made a dress up and came up with a possible idea for my character Korsi
Posted 06/15/22

Did a character description for a new character Ori!
Exploring potential character ideas…this one is still in the developmental stage.

Posted 06/15/22
Started working on Ash’s profile for this month’s Chamber of Reflections!
Posted 06/15/22

Submitted piece to A Day in the Life

Posted 06/15/22
Posted 06/15/22

Add more bits to NeTanuki’s profile.

Posted 06/15/22
Posted 06/15/22
Posted 06/15/22

Working on circle entries today~

~ adventure circle

Posted 06/15/22
Added some flavor text and appearance details to Jianquan’s profile.
Posted 06/15/22, edited 06/15/22
Posted 06/15/22

Literally in bed when I realized I forgot to post in here XD

Today I got the basics down for my ‘A Day in the Life’ entry for Elspeth! (I feel like I need to make it more readable haha). I put it in a Google doc over here since I’m not ready to submit it yet ^^;;

Posted 06/15/22

Did an rp post while listening to my doctor do surgery woohoo

Killin it today with a second rp post AND a day in the life of write up!

Posted 06/15/22, edited 06/15/22

Did another day in the life of activity!

Posted 06/15/22
started working on jay’s profile :D
Posted 06/15/22
Posted 06/15/22
Posted 06/15/22
Posted 06/15/22
I should have worked on another day in the life entry, but I did a roleplay response instead.
Posted 06/15/22
Almost completed Lucille‘s profile, yay!  Long time coming ^u^
Posted 06/15/22

I colored a doodle of Jasper for their profile

Posted 06/15/22
Posted 06/15/22
I wrote an RP post.
Posted 06/15/22
I did both of day in the life entries ^^ Entry 1 and Entry 2
Posted 06/15/22