00:05 ST

Join the Drawntlet! July is a great time to get creative. Submit here.

Town Square

How it works
  • This activity will run from 00:01 ST on July 1st through 23:59 ST on July 31st.
  • Each week in July will have its own Drawntlet thread, in which you will submit your pieces. Weeks run from Sunday at 00:01 ST through the following Saturday at 23:59 ST.
    • The first and last weeks of the month vary in length slightly due to how the month fell.
  • Each weekly submission thread will open at some point on Saturday and close after 23:59 ST on the following Sunday.
    • Once the thread for a week is open, you may begin posting your prompts in it. Pieces do not have to be posted on the corresponding day.
    • Note that there is a slight overlap in the opening/closing dates for each week. The next week will start while the previous week is still accepting submissions - this is to allow players more flexibility with the current week’s deadlines.
    • Once a week is over, you may no longer submit any prompts from that period of time for credit. This helps to keep to the spirit of creating something each day, rather than having folks burn themselves out by trying to rush all 30 pieces at the end of the month.
      • In addition to posting your pieces in the thread to share with the community, you will be asked to utilize our submission form to submit your pieces for credit
      • This will be done much like previous years’ activity, in that you will be pasting the permalink to your post containing each day’s submission, and we will assign credit by marking them as complete.
    • The final week’s thread will close at 23:59 ST on August 1st, which will mark the end of this activity. Prize selection will run throughout August to allow everyone ample time to choose their prizes. 
    • Discussion throughout the duration of this activity is welcome in this thread!
Participation guidelines
  • Each day, you will be provided with a prompt (or, may select a different prompt from the weekly prompt bank provided), and create a creative piece on or inspired by it, then post your piece in the current week’s Drawntlet thread.
    • All pieces must be newly created for the Drawntlet.
  • If the day’s standard prompt doesn’t vibe with you, you may select any of the prompts in the current week’s prompt bank instead. Each prompt may only be used once.
  • As this activity focuses on daily participation, each of your pieces should be submitted in its own post.
  • Please use the small form provided in each week’s thread to submit your pieces. This will help us to mark participation and select spotlight pieces quickly and efficiently.
  • There are no minimum requirements for your pieces to meet - an honest effort is all we ask.
    • AI generated artwork and writing is not permitted for this activity. Utilizing AI to generate ideas or general composition is okay, but the final piece must be entirely your own work.
  • Your pieces do not need to relate to Mycena Cave or be of characters that have on-site representations.
  • Gift art/writing of other peoples’ characters, and fanwork of other properties are both accepted for this activity. Please give proper credit where necessary.
Weekly Challenges
  • Each week, you will have the choice between two weekly theme challenges. These challenges are entirely optional.
  • If you wish to participate in a challenge for any given week, all of your pieces for that week must adhere to that challenge’s guidelines. You may not mix and match pieces between the two challenges.
  • Each weekly challenge completed will earn you 5 extra points to spend in the prize shop. This means each player may earn up to 25 extra points over the course of the Drawntlet!
Weekly spotlight

As in previous iterations of this activity, we will be curating a selection of ‘spotlight’ entries to share on our social media each week. These pieces will also be collected at the bottom of the Town Square page. If one of your pieces is selected, you will receive credit in the post, and will also receive a Lucky Envelope. In the interest of fairness, an individual player will not be spotlighted more than once over the course of the month.

Points and Prizes
  • Each day for which you submit a piece will earn you 1 point —> completing prompts for all days in a week will earn you 10 points total.
  • Each weekly challenge completed will earn you an extra 5 points
    • In total, by completing all 31 days and all 5 weekly challenges, each player may earn up to 75 points to spend in the prize shop.
  • Players who complete at least 5 days of this activity will receive a sticker
  • Players who complete all 31 days of this activity will also receive a New Canvas Frame and New Document Frame!

Prizes are organized into a tiered prize shop, where each costs a certain amount of points to claim. Players are not limited to how many prizes of each tier they can choose, so long as they have enough points to do so.

Prize Table, at a glance
  • 30 points: discovered gcs coat of choice
  • 25 points: GCS mushroom | gold medallion
  • 20 points: choice of past oots set (mushroom + items) | choice of seasonal coat
  • 15 points: choice of past oots item set | choice of past oots coat | choice of BoW item | driftshroom
  • 10 points: july OR august oots set (mushroom + items) | choice of cave capsule | changingshroom | choice of past event coat | choice of past oots item
  • 5 points: forever coat | lucky envelope | july OR august oots item set | choice of past event/activity item | bag of wonders
  • 1 point: golden ticket

**GCS coat of choice includes two new coats added for this event: Sky Wanderer and Aurora

Weekly deadlines

Week One: 23:59 ST on Sunday July 7th
Week Two: 23:59 ST on Sunday July 14th
Week Three: 23:59 ST on Sunday July 21st
Week Four: 23:59 ST on Sunday July 28th
Week Five: 23:59 ST on Thursday August 1st

***Please note that each week’s deadline falls on Sunday (except for the end of the month), which overlaps with the start of the next week. This was done intentionally to give players an extra day to get the previous week’s prompts submitted***

***Submit entries through the Submission Page***

Can I use the pieces I create for this activity towards this month’s Cavern of Reflections?
Absolutely, as long as they meet the requirements!

Can the pieces I submit for this activity be artwork created for another activity happening elsewhere (i.e., art fight; other off-site exchanges)?
As long as your piece was created with the daily prompt in mind, yes!

Oh no - I forgot to submit one of my pieces to the submission page before it closed!
Accidents happen! Echo Crow and she will make sure you receive credit for it - though this allowance is subject to change if it becomes a regular issue!