23:58 ST

Join the Drawntlet! July is a great time to get creative. Submit here.

July Productivi-Weekend!
Welcome to July’s Productivi-Weekend!

Productivi-Day occurs on the 15th of each month, typically running from 00:01 ST through 23:59 ST. This month, to help encourage our Drawntlet participants, we have extended it to cover the entire weekend, starting on Friday, July 14th through 23:59 ST on Sunday, July 16th! If you wish to participate, all you need to do is take a little bit of time and work on something creative that relates to Mycena Cave!

Examples of things that count:
  • Mycenian profiles
  • Drawntlet pieces
  • Ongoing activity entries
  • Creative Collective entries
  • Pretty much anything that has to do with Mycena Cave!
Things that don’t count:
  • Homework
  • Housework
  • Cleaning the litter box
  • Yardwork
  • Anything else unrelated to Mycena Cave!

Please post a link to what you’ve accomplished in this thread in order for your participation to be counted! All posts must be made between when this post goes up and when the activity ends at 23:59 ST on Sunday, July 16th - any posts made or edited after that timeframe will not be counted towards this activity.

All participants in this weekend’s Productivities will not only receive a sticker for their efforts, but will be entered into a raffle for the following prizes:

  • Changingshroom (1 winner)
  • July’s's OotS set (mushroom + items) (2 winners)
  • Bag of Wonders (3 winners)
We look forward to seeing what you accomplish! :D Have fun!
Posted 07/14/23

I worked on one of my drawntlet prompts! I’m starting a new job (switching to night shifts) so I’m trying to get ahead on my prompts in prep for my routine being messed up LOL. So this is for July 16th :D

Posted 07/14/23
Submitted days 13/14/15 to the drawntlet!
Posted 07/14/23
Posted 07/14/23

My week 2 drawntlet entry!


Posted 07/14/23

I did my drawntlet entry for today.

(I also finished tomorrow’s since I’ll be busy tomorrow, but I like posting them day of, so I’m not gonna post it tonight)

Posted 07/14/23, edited 07/14/23

Did my drawntlet entry yesterday on 14th.

Posted 07/15/23
Posted 07/15/23
Uploaded my Drawntlet entries
Posted 07/15/23

Worked on the ‘smoke’ and ‘shine’ prompt for drawntlet! :D

Posted 07/15/23

I worked on a Drawntlet entry!

Posted 07/15/23

I did one Drawntlet entry and am working on finishing up this week :D

edit: I posted the other two as well, and started on my entry for tomorrow! I guess technically today now ope.

Posted 07/15/23, edited 07/16/23
Posted 07/15/23
Added my last Drawntlet entry for the second week!
Posted 07/15/23

Also added my last Drawntlet entry for this week!  :]

Posted 07/15/23

Did someone say Drawntlet entries?

(And I guess I also got the last two done for good measure!)

Posted 07/15/23, edited 07/16/23
Posted 07/15/23
I wrote an entry for the drawnlet today (and I’m working on a second one but I don’t think that one will be finished before midnight).
Posted 07/15/23
Did a drawntlet entry! https://www.mycenacave.com/forums/the-drawntlet-2023/20817/submissions-week-2-july-9-july-15/page-7#post_fe63d4c0be
Posted 07/15/23
Did two dress ups for new characters one and two.
Posted 07/15/23
Got my drawntlet entries caught up for this past week this afternoon. I’ve had no time to be able to fit them in this week. So glad we can post at the end of the week.
Posted 07/16/23

Worked on some drawntlet entries~

Posted 07/16/23

Worked on stuff for drawntlet!

Posted 07/16/23
Did drawnlet July 16
Posted 07/16/23
Formatted and submitted my Week 3 Drawntlet entries! They start here.
Posted 07/16/23
Wrote my Drawntlet entries for the 14th & 15th, and then typed up/formatted the whole week’s entries (I’m handwriting everything this year). You can see them all from this post onward.
Posted 07/16/23
Worked on Drawntlet Week 2! Link
Posted 07/16/23
I worked on a few Drawntlet entries!
Posted 07/16/23
I did a thing for the Drawntlet, too ^^
Posted 07/16/23
Did very many Drawntlet entries.
Posted 07/16/23, edited 07/16/23