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Customizing Battles

While enemies are the core of the Battle system, there are a variety of ways to make battles more interesting and complex, through the use of certain items, resistances and vulnerabilities, and custom fields.

Armor and Weapons

Armor is a passive item. It does not need to be equipped or unequipped, and calculations are done using the armor with the highest defense only. In short, the adventurer automatically equips the strongest armor. Armor also does not lessen damage. Rather, it makes attacks less likely to hit.

Defense bonus A flat value added to the adventurer’s DEX during damage calculation, functioning as a modifier.

Weapons create an attack command in battle, in addition to the default ‘unarmed attack’ command. This means that you can use as many weapons in battle as you want.

Weapons are highly customisable and follow many of the same principles as enemy attacks.

Hit Bonus How likely the attack is to hit. This acts in the same way as stat modifiers, with 0 being the default.
Damage Roll Determines how much damage the attack does by rolling the specified dice. An unarmed attack has a roll of 1d4.
Damage type This is covered in more detail below.
Attack Group This is covered in more detail in the Expert Adventuring section.
Damage Types

Damage types can be thought of as different kinds of attacks. Damage types don’t do different amounts of damage, and for the most part function as flavor text There are three default damage types:

  • Bludgeoning
  • Piercing
  • Slashing

You can also create custom damage types. Selecting ‘other’ in the weapons dropdown will allow you to type in whatever you like as the damage type. You can also edit in the “damage type” line in the enemy attack menu. Doing either of these will add the damage type into the damage type dropdown on the weapons page.

Resistances and Vulnerabilities

Resistances and vulnerabilities also utilize damage types. These two dropdowns can be seen on enemies and all item types. Resistances mean that the specified damage type will do half damage if the attack hits, whereas vulnerabilities mean that the specified damage type will do double damage if the attack hits. Resistances and vulnerabilities can also use the custom damage types, although you cannot create them through those dropdowns.