07:06 ST

Another way of adding tension to your adventure is through the use of enemy battles. This is a feature that’s built into adventures, much like commands and items. Enemies are the core of the battle system. You can create enemies from the sidebar in much the same way as you can create items. Navigating to the enemy page will give you the following fields

Name The name of the enemy as it appears in the adventure and in the sidebar
Can’t Flee Whether or not the “Flee!” option appears in the adventure dropdown.


Fleeing from the battle counts as a failed encounter!

Flee difficulty How difficult the adventure is to flee from. Like other aspects of the adventure system, it rolls a 1d20, and the roll must be at least as high as the specified difficulty to succeed.
Base HP How much health the enemy has.
Armor Class How difficult it is to hit the enemy. Like other aspects of the adventure system, it rolls a 1d20, and the roll must be at least as high as the specified difficulty to succeed.
Adding enemy attacks

Attacks are what make enemies function in battle. Enemy attacks are reactive, meaning that they will only attack after the player attacks them first. If an enemy does not have any attacks, it cannot attack back. Attacks are added by clicking the + button above the window. Modifying enemy attacks requires editing JSON text, however, the only sections you need to modify are the green text or red numbers.

Weapon What the enemy uses to attack with. This field is flavor text only.
Hit Bonus How likely the attack is to hit. This acts in the same way as stat modifiers, with 0 being the default, and any positive or negative number adding or subtracting from the roll.
Damage Roll Determines how much damage the attack does by rolling the specified dice. The default is 1d6, meaning that the attack can do a maximum of 6 damage.
Damage type This is covered in more detail in the Damage Types section.
Custom miss text An optional field that displays custom text when the attack misses.
Probability weight A multiplier that determines how likely an attack is to be chosen over another.


For example!
An attack with a probability weight of 2 is twice as likely to be selected as an attack with a probability weight of 1. A probability weight of 3 is three times more likely to hit than a probability weight of 1.

Attack Group This is covered in more detail in the Expert Adventuring section

You can add enemies to encounters by selecting them from the “Battle” dropdown. Battle encounters can make use of encounter commands as well, with some specific actions.

Damage enemy This rolls a dice to determine how much damage to do to an enemy.
Heal enemy This rolls a dice to determine how much HP to restore to an enemy
Attack player This makes the enemy attack the player. The attack index can be used to set which attack you want the enemy to use, with 0 being the first attack in the list. Alternatively, leave it set to false if you want to use attack weights.