18:05 ST

The adventure system has an inbuilt inventory system, allowing for the creation of various types of items. Adventurers can access these items from their inventory at any point after they’ve been collected, and can do anything from simply adding flavor to the adventure to having an effect on how the adventure progresses.

Item Name The name of your item. This is the name that appears both in the sidebar and in the adventurer’s inventory.
Description A short description of what the item is. Usually, this is a description of its physical attributes, but can also contain an explanation of what the item does.
Item Category This is a set field that you can change by clicking on one of the four tabs below.
Resistances & Weaknesses Special properties that items can have in battle. These are covered in more detail in the Advanced Guide to Adventuring


Item Categories
  • Misc items are the most basic kind of item, and do not have any additional properties.

  • Usable items: function similarly to commands in that you can specify actions for the adventure to perform when the item is used. Unlike commands, usable items can be used at any point during the adventure.

    Did you know?
    Usable items have a unique command, Consume Item, which removes the item from the player’s inventory after use!

  • Weapons and armor items that are used in battle and are covered in more detail in the Advanced Guide to Adventuring