04:20 ST

Join the Drawntlet! July is a great time to get creative. Submit here.

Hi everyone,
I’m Topaz.
I’m sick of updating my age. Suffice it to say I was born late 1999.

I breath fursuits. Please help there is fur in my lungs. /j
Other than that, I enjoy older video games as well pokemon, Minecraft and reading and the odd webtoon or two.

Individual Pet Wish Lists can be found on their profiles.


(aka Topaz’s list of pipe dreams no longer in order of realism)
☆=pets or items need for characters.



• Sunny Side Up
• Subzero Shark (Arctic ocean kingdom)
• Suits Out
• Dandy Lion x2 (+gloomshroom)
• Autumnal Guardian x3 (+gloomshroom, +driftshroom(blue))
• Hawkgriff
• Laureled Deer
• Lunar Glint x2 (+driftshroom)
•  Eden

• Raptor Mycenae
• Foraging Fan
• Sabre mycenae x2 (+gloomshroom)
• Lionfish (dragon cave)
• Pawsperity
• Shaggy Smallhorn (small want. Dragon hoard)
• Slumbering Unicorn
• Royal Drake
• Tabby Squire x2 (+gloomshroom)
• Crystal Catalyst
• Ill Omen
• Dogepan (caves and cafes baker)
• Enchanted Stone

• Dappled Carousel
• Protagonist
• Sunshower
• Summer Sweet

White Fox
Autumnal Guardian
Snow Day x2
Corroded Automaton
Ethereal Ebb ☆
Kittea + Purple Shimmer
Fodder ☆

Old items (Event and OtS)
Playing Cards
Pirate’s Glamourrr (ALL THE TOGGLES)
Galactic Gazing
Calligraphy Brush☆
Golden Trident☆

A custom

Dorky Glasses Thank you Lullaby
Briar of Roses Thank you Anonymous
Purple Shimmer Thank you Romanova
Cave Painting Thank you Dame
Spell Weaver Thank you Condor
Fable Thank you Santa 2018
Drifty Nail Polish Thank you Santa 2018
Run a Rig Wig Thank you Santa 2018
Pirate’s Glamourrr #1 Thank you Santa 2018
Driftshroom Thank you to April’s Raving Ravens for the trade.
Lionfish Thank You Pink Chocolate (Santa 2023)
Fodder x2 Thank You Pink Chocolate (Santa 2023)

Pirate’s Glamourrr #2 Thank you Anonymous 2023


JustTopaz status: online

User ID 10071
Forum posts 536
Member since Oct 31st, 2016
Last seen Jul 27th, 2024