October is here! The newest OotS coat to join our collection this month is Duplicity, along with their Drifty Shadow Claws and Drifty Shadow Eyes! This month’s coat and items were created by Meru. You can purchase this set from the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month! Fall Seasonal This year’s Fall Seasonal, Truffle Hunter by Hush, is now available for purchase in Tamshir’s Specialties! They’ll be around throughout the rest of the season, up until the first day of winter on December 22nd. Activity Updates
Wrapping Up Sundown at the MC Corral Our summer event has come to a close, including the autobuy and sticker distribution. Yee-haw! The Moonlight Collection Howard has swooped in with his fall collection! The Moonlight Collection seasonal shop has returned once more, and will be open through the end of October. Cavern Shuffle A new game has been released! It’s a slider puzzle, and there are three difficulty levels to try out! We will check in a couple of months to see if the payout amounts need adjustment. Different themes for the slider puzzle can be set on the community settings page. Whispers of the Nexus Our fall event will begin near the end of October! Bruc has something interesting in store this year, so stay tuned to find out more. This is our ingredient collection event, though some mechanics have been altered… Behind the Veil
Posted 10/01/23