23:31 ST
Geness Rayne and Morgan
Anniversary September 22nd, 2020

Rayne and Morgan

art by ttteacup


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis molestie lectus sed nisl lobortis malesuada. Aliquam quis justo venenatis, suscipit diam ut, lacinia augue. Nullam lorem ipsum, ultricies eget felis vitae, elementum egestas enim. Proin vehicula arcu at posuere ornare. Mauris commodo, libero a eleifend sodales, diam libero vestibulum lorem, id tincidunt metus nunc eu justo. Etiam dictum, risus ut dignissim tristique, leo lectus aliquet ex, eu iaculis ex orci sit amet sapien. Suspendisse nec condimentum purus. In condimentum dui augue, nec sodales augue laoreet nec. Aliquam sit amet purus quam. Curabitur id risus ut neque congue fringilla. Vivamus eget justo tortor. Nunc dignissim congue ex eu dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis molestie lectus sed nisl lobortis malesuada. Aliquam quis justo venenatis, suscipit diam ut, lacinia augue. Nullam lorem ipsum, ultricies eget felis vitae, elementum egestas enim. Proin vehicula arcu at posuere ornare. Mauris commodo, libero a eleifend sodales, diam libero vestibulum lorem, id tincidunt metus nunc eu justo. Etiam dictum, risus ut dignissim tristique, leo lectus aliquet ex, eu iaculis ex orci sit amet sapien. Suspendisse nec condimentum purus. In condimentum dui augue, nec sodales augue laoreet nec. Aliquam sit amet purus quam. Curabitur id risus ut neque congue fringilla. Vivamus eget justo tortor. Nunc dignissim congue ex eu dapibus.

art by ttteacup


A few hundred years meant nothing to Morgan. Time was slow, yet she often found ways to entertain herself. After all, being the very first vampire meant everyone had an opinion of you.

Even if that opinion happened to include a strong desire to erase her, it was still interesting. As if anyone could touch her anyways. Humans feared her, like mere cattle. Angels ignored her, for the entire existence of vampires was an insult to God. Other vampires were simply fun to toy with. And demons?
Well… They certainly weren’t friendly. Any demon would know to despise vampires. In fact, it was in their blood. The curse to hunt was strong, and Morgan had ended the lives of many possessed hellspawn. They were boring, simply doing what their heritage dictated.

So why then, was this half-demon kneeling before her, after being reduced to a mere puppet off its strings?
It was strange. Her demonic blood must have compelled her to pursue. Yet, her human blood must have felt a need to run.

Morgan had built her power over centuries, easily able to defeat any demon or fellow vampire that would come for her. She’d lifted the curse of demonic influence from this half-blood, expecting her to react in an interesting way.

“Well? You were about to kill me, were you not? It’s your choice now, you know.”

She’d expected some drama, confusion, maybe the woman would even take her own life. Suddenly having free will must come as a great shock to a sad little puppet, who’s never known anything but being a slave to their own blood.

However, things turned much more interesting than Morgan could ever have expected. The woman knelt, her head down and hand out. She’d abandoned her weapons, even her vial of holy water was hanging on her belt, unused.

Lifting the curse and letting her close was a gamble, but Morgan was overflowing with confidence. This was certainly new, no one had been foolish enough to attempt to change sides.

“You wish to join me, then?” Morgan inquired curiously.

The woman replied in a serious manner, “I’m in your debt. Let me repay you.”

Morgan, with a cocky smirk on her face, felt no need to hesitate. Someone so unusual must surely be fun. She laid her hand in the woman’s, pulling her up in a gesture of acceptance.

In a swift motion, she pulled the woman close, to whisper in her ear.

“You’re mine now.”